Oct 16, 2019
This week, we look at a few of the more disastrous aspects of climate adaptation and energy management in the face of changing weather and rising temperatures. First, we untangle the messy Pacific Gas and Electric blackouts last week with The Guardian's Susie Cagle, who explains why the power was shutoff for almost one million people and why it's so difficult for the utility to change.
Then, Paris Martineau, Staff writer, WIRED, joins us to discuss why big tech HQs were spared from the PG&E blackouts despite many of their close neighbors losing power.
Finally, investigative journalist Jeff Ernst talks about the essay he wrote for California Sunday Magazine and the climate movers in Honduras, who are unable to farm and must relocate to live.
As always, follow us @climatepod on Twitter and email us at theclimatepod@gmail.com. Our music is "Gotta Get Up" by The Passion Hifi, check out his music at thepassionhifi.com. Rate, review and subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and more!
Follow Susie Cagle on Twitter @susie_c
Follow Paris Martineau on Twitter @parismartineau
Follow Jeff Ernst on Twitter @jeffgernst
Further Reading: