Sep 28, 2022
Around the globe, people are on the move. This is nothing new. Throughout history, migration has been a vital part of human civilization. With an accelerating climate crisis, increased migration is inevitable. And it will not only be a necessary adaptation strategy, but also a way to improve nations around the world....
Sep 21, 2022
Jackson, Mississippi. Flint, Michigan. The local governments of countless other communities in America have failed at providing the most basic of public services - clean drinking water. What happens to the residents of those communities and similar communities across the country as they lose faith in government's...
Sep 14, 2022
In his latest piece, Secret Data, Tiny Islands and a Quest for Treasure on the Ocean Floor, three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Lipton reports on the Seabed Authority, an international agency tasked with regulating mining in parts of the Pacific Ocean, and its relationship to a Canadian mining company. Though the...
Sep 7, 2022
As war erupted in Ukraine earlier this year, the United Nations Environmental Assembly passed a historic resolution to negotiate the end of plastic pollution. As the Russian invasion continued, its ripple effects were felt throughout Europe and the rest of the world as Russian gas imports decreased, energy prices...